I like to write about DynamoDB data modeling, caching, and generally solving for data challenges in the cloud.
Retries, idempotency, exactly-once processing and your data integrity. · You made it to part 3! This is the last part of the blog - I promise. But it is...
Retries, idempotency, exactly-once processing and your data integrity. · In part 1 of this blog, we looked at some of the error handling challenges for...
Retries, idempotency, exactly-once processing and your data integrity. · It's a story as old as time: how can a remote database client be sure that a...
Moving an industry forward requires some give and take · Lately I've been seeing so much churn around what does and does not constitute a "serverless"...
Two wrongs don't make a right · DynamoDB offers two capacity modes for read and write requests: the original provisioned capacity and the more recent...
When to use them, when not to use them, tips and tricks · [ Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash] Local Secondary Indexes (LSIs) are one of the least...